Tacoma Washington Bicycle Club Best Reveiw

Tacoma Washington Bicycle Club Best Reveiw

bicycle club

The Tacoma Washington Bicycle Club is a group of cyclists who meet regularly to ride bikes and promote cycling in the Tacoma area. The club organizes group rides, hosts educational events, and advocates for improvements to bicycling infrastructure. Members of the club range from beginner riders to experienced racers, and everyone is welcome. The club is a great way to meet other cyclists, get involved in the local cycling community, and enjoy some friendly competition.

The tacoma washington bicycle club facebook is a group of cyclists who enjoy riding bikes and advocating for bike-friendly policies in the city of Tacoma and beyond. The club was founded in 1992 and has since grown to over 200 members. The club organizes weekly rides, monthly social events, and annual membership drives. It also advocates for bike-friendly policies at the local, state, and federal level. If you’re interested in joining the club or learning more about its work, read on!

What We Do Bicycle Club

The tacoma washington bicycle club facebook is a non-profit organization that promotes bicycling for transportation and recreation. We advocate for bicycling infrastructure and education, host group rides and events, and work to make bicycling an inclusive activity for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.

Our mission is to create a more bicycle-friendly community in the Tacoma area by working collaboratively with local organizations, businesses, and individuals. Our goal is to increase the number of people who bike for transportation and recreation, and to make biking safe, easy, and fun for everyone.

We offer a variety of programs and services designed to get more people on bikes. Our Group Ride Program offers weekly rides for all levels of cyclists, from beginners to experienced riders. Our Bike Education Program offers classes on everything from how to fix a flat tire to tips for riding in traffic. And our Advocacy Program works to make bicycling safer and more accessible for everyone in the community by advocating for better bike infrastructure and working with local decision-makers on policies that impact cyclists.

Our Rides

The tacoma washington bicycle club facebook is a great way to get involved in the community and meet other cyclists. Our rides are open to all levels of cyclists, from beginners to experienced riders. We offer a variety of rides throughout the week, so there’s something for everyone.

Our Wednesday night rides are perfect for beginners. We’ll take it easy and ride at a leisurely pace, so you can get comfortable on your bike and learn the basics of group riding. Thursday nights are our hill training rides. If you’re looking to challenge yourself and get in some good cardio, this is the ride for you. We’ll hit some of the tougher hills in the area and really work up a sweat.

Friday nights are our social rides. This is a great opportunity to meet other cyclists and explore new routes together. We’ll stop for drinks and snacks along the way, so come thirsty (and hungry)! Saturday mornings are reserved for our longer distance rides. These rides can be anywhere from 30-60 miles, depending on the route we take. If you’re training for a long-distance event or just want to get in some serious mileage, this is the ride for you.

So come join us on one (or all!) of our weekly rides! It’s a great way to meet new people, get some exercise, and see some beautiful scenery.


Tacoma Washington Bicycle Club is a membership-based organization that advocates for bicycle riders of all ages and abilities. We work to create a more bike-friendly community by organizing group rides, advocating for new bike infrastructure, and providing education and resources to our members.

Our membership dues go directly towards supporting our advocacy efforts and keeping our club running. In return, members get access to exclusive events, discounts at local bike shops, and the satisfaction of knowing they are helping to make Tacoma a better place for everyone to ride!

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and join the movement!

What Activities the Club Offers?

The Tacoma Washington Bicycle Club is a great way to stay active and enjoy the outdoors. The club offers a variety of activities, including group rides, racing, and social events.

Group rides are a great way to explore the area and get some exercise. The club offers rides for all levels of cyclists, so there is something for everyone. Racing is another great way to challenge yourself and push your limits. The club sponsors several races each year, so there is always an opportunity to compete. Social events are a great way to meet other cyclists and have some fun. The club hosts several social events throughout the year, so there is always something to do.


The Tacoma Washington Bicycle Club is a great way to get out and explore the beautiful city of Tacoma. With so many members, you’re sure to find someone who shares your love of biking. Whether you’re just getting started or you’re a seasoned pro, the Tacoma Washington Bicycle Club is the perfect place for you. So what are you waiting for? Join today and start exploring!

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